Vanilla Custard Magic Cake Recipe | Queen Fine Foods (2024)

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This recipe truly is magical – during bakinga simpleVanillacustard transforms intoa triple layer custard cake. Vanilla slice lovers will fall in love with its chewy base, creamy custard middle and cakey layer on top!

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Home > Bake > Cakes > Vanilla Custard Magic Cake

15 mins
45 mins

Vanilla Custard Magic Cake Recipe | Queen Fine Foods (1)


  1. 4 large eggs, separated, room temperature

  2. 3/4 cup (165g) caster sugar

  3. 3 tsp Queen Madagascan Vanilla Bean Paste
  4. 125g butter, melted then cooled

  5. 3/4 cup (110g) plain flour

  6. 2 cups (500ml) milk

  7. Icing sugar, to finish

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  • Australia Day
  • Custard
  • go-to
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  • most loved
  • mother's day
  • Slice
  • Vanilla


  1. Step 1

    Preheat oven to 160C (fan forced), grease with cooking spray or butter a rectangular brownie pan, approx. 20 x 30cm in size. Use a square cake tin as an alternative.

  2. Step 2

    Combine egg yolks and sugar and mix with a stand mixer with a paddle attachment until light and creamy. Add Vanilla Bean Paste and cooled, melted butter, mix until combined. Butter must be cooled before adding to mixture.

  3. Step 3

    Add flour and mix until just combined. Place half of the milk in a microwave safe jug and microwave for 30 seconds until warm. Add remaining cold milk to jug so that the milk is lukewarm. on the lowest mixer speed, gradually add milk to egg mixture in a steady stream, mixing until fully combined.

  4. Step 4

    In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until stiff peaks form, then gently fold 1/3 of the egg whites into the milk mixture using a spatula. Mix until just combined then add remaining egg whites 1/3 at a time. Be careful not to over mix, it's okay to have some clumps of egg white remaining. The mixture will be the consistency of thin custard.

  5. Step 5

    Pour mixture into greased tray, gently smooth the surface with a spatula and bake for 45 minutes. During baking it may puff up at the sides - do not remove from oven and allow to bake the full period. Allow to fully cool in the tin, then refrigerate and cut into squares to serve.

Recipe Notes:

The cake layer on the top of thiscakemay vary with your oven temperature.

Magic Cake can be kept in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Related products

  • Vanilla Custard Magic Cake Recipe | Queen Fine Foods (2)

    Queen Finest Madagascar Vanilla Bean Paste 50g


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I will be using this club for afternoon tea recipes


Has anyone true this with a non-dairy miljk


Hi there, you definitely can make it with a non dairy milk however the texture may not be exactly the same. Thanks!


Made this today. Quite happy the way it turned out. Yummy!!


This recipe is terrible. It’s super runny when poured into the brownie pan and when it comes out it had scrambled egg like consistency even after two hours in the fridge, and it had no flavour. The cake didn’t rise so in the end I had more of a slice compared to the obvious layers with a light spongy cake on top as shown in the pictures, I assume this happened as there where no rising agents (bi-carb soda, baking soda). I am very disappointed 🙁


Hi Tom, We are sorry to hear that yo didn’t like our recipe – sometimes it does take a little practice to nail as it is a very liquid batter!


Sounds delicious! can’t wait to try this.


Can I double the ingredients? How long in the oven if I do.


Made it using Queen’s organic vanilla bean paste. Everyone in the family enjoyed it. Absolutely love the layers. This is one of my favorite desert cakes!


Hi I am from Sri Lanka, I made this cake using Queen’s organic vanilla bean paste. Everyone in the family loved it including my 3 year old daughter. Absolutely love the layers. This is one of my favorite desert cakes.


I don’t understand when you the the entire ingredients into the bake tin – how does it look like two layers top cake and bottom custard – have I missed anything?


Hi Esme, the cake will separate into layers as it bakes, for more info on this – check out our blog:


Do you give nutritional info on your recipes such as calories, carbs, etc Many Thanks


Hi Cherie! Unfortunately we don’t provide this information for our recipes, however we do have the nutritional information panels for all of our products listed here:

Queen Fine Foods

I just made this and it’s delicious. Ate it warm because I couldn’t wait all evening for it to cool. Worth it. I am sure it’s even tastier tomorrow. 5/5


Would this recipe work with gluten free flour?


Hi Suellen! We haven’t tried it ourselves, but have heard of other bakers swapping out the regular flour for gluten free and achieving similar results. If you do try it, let us know how you get on! – The Queen Team

Queen Fine Foods

This was a big hit with the kids and adults I served it to! Like a yummy baked custard 😍 and surprisingly easy to make. Can’t wait to try and make the coconut rough version.


Hurray! So glad you enjoyed it Paula 🙂

Queen Fine Foods

I am interested in purchasing a new mixer and noticed you are using a Kitchen Maid mixer. Would you recommend it?


Hi Samantha, while we aren’t officially affiliated with any brand, we do love our trusty KitchenAid and haven’t had any issues with it!

Queen Fine Foods

My mixer doesn’t have a paddle attachment so would I need to beat more or less?


Hi Lorraine, will you be using the whisk attachment instead? That will be fine, just beat to the same visual cues (light & creamy egg yolks and sugar, then stiff peaks for the egg whites). Let us know how you go!

Queen Fine Foods

This was so easy to make and absolutely delicious. I pretty much ate the whole thing myself!


Vanilla Custard Magic Cake Recipe | Queen Fine Foods (2024)


How to make custard thicker? ›

Using a Thickening Agent

For 1 cup (240 mL) of custard, use 2 tablespoons (17 g) of flour mixed with 4 tablespoons (59 mL) of cold water. Add the mixture into your custard ingredients as they cook on the stove. Use cornstarch as an alternative to flour. Cornstarch, like flour, requires cold water as a mixing agent.

Can you thicken custard with gelatin? ›

While it is still hot, add the gelatin from Step 1 and mix it in quickly to dissolve it. Using a strainer and a spatula, strain Step 8 well into a bowl. Place the bowl from Step 9 in a bowlful of ice water and use the spatula to stir the mixture. It will gradually thicken.

What is the consistency of custard? ›

Depending on the recipe and inspiration and purpose, custard will in consistency from a thin pouring sauce for cakes, pies and rice pudding to a thick pastry cream used to fill éclairs and donuts or make crème brûlée (baked custard) or crème anglaise.

How do you know if custard is thick enough? ›

The custard is ready when you can draw a clean line through it on the back of a spoon, using your finger. Strain into a clean jug and serve hot or cold.

Can you thicken vanilla custard? ›

For a thick, hot custard you need to add cornflour (cornstarch) as a thickener. The custard needs to come up to boiling point to thicken and to loose the taste of the uncooked starch, but the cornflour stabilizes the egg yolks so that they can tolerate higher temperatures without scrambling.

How to fix custard that didn't set? ›

The first option is to mix two tablespoons of flour with four tablespoons of cold water for every cup of custard you've made. Mix the flour into the water well, then whisk it into your custard mixture as it cooks on the stove. You can follow the same steps with cornstarch instead of flour if you prefer as well.

Why is my custard not getting thick? ›

The key to thickening it is to add in more powder (as a paste or you will get lumps) stir well and re-heat.

How long does it take for custard to thicken? ›

Don't be afraid of increasing the heat if it's not thickening. I once spent half an hour waiting for it to do nothing. You should only need 2-3 minutes for pouring custard, 4-5 minutes for thick custard at the right heat. BUT, if the custard cooks too quickly it will clump and be lumpy.

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The most common mistake people make with custards is that they tend to overcook them. Custards need to come out of the oven just before they're completely cooked because they will continue baking even after you take them out of the oven.

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The most common mistake people make in baking a custard is not putting enough water in the hot-water bath. The water should come up to the level of the custard inside the cups. You must protect your custard from the heat.

How do I know if my custard will set? ›

When you gently shake the vessel you're baking the custard in (whether it's a ramekin for something like pot de crème or a springform pan for something like a cheesecake), the custard should appear totally set on the edges, but ripple gently when you shake it in the center.

What thickens a custard? ›

Custard is a decadent dessert made with eggs, milk, and sugar. Eggs are responsible for custard's thick and velvety texture, but some recipes (such as this one) call for thickeners such as cornstarch or arrowroot for extra richess.

Can you thicken custard after it's cooked? ›

The key to thickening it is to add in more powder (as a paste or you will get lumps) stir well and re-heat.

Why isn't my custard thickening up? ›

If the custard is undercooked it might never set, while if you add the eggs without tempering them or while the mixture is too hot, you might end up with scrambled eggs. If you find yourself with a runny custard, you do have options. One way to combat a custard that will not set is to reboil it.

Can you whip custard to make it thicker? ›

Heat the custard base, over medium heat, while whisking vigorously until it starts to thicken – this should take about 1 – 2 minutes depending on the heat of your stove and size of your saucepan.

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.